In order to calculate the coulomb potential scattering, the path integral is investiged in momentum space. 在合理的近似下,通过在动量表象中计算路径积分,较为方便地求出了库仑散射的相移表达式。
This paper derives Maxwell's equations in differential form for the existence of magnetic monopoles from Coulomb's law of static interaction between point magnetic charges and Ampere's law for a line integral of around a closed path, The author describes an electromagnetic picture. 本文从真空中磁的库仑定律和电的安培环路定律推导出磁单极存在下麦克斯韦方程组的微分形式,描绘出磁单极存在下的电磁图象。
Reduction of a Generalized Coulomb Integral in Atomic Scattering Theory 原子散射理论中广义Coulomb积分的简化